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Why Professional Landscape Care is Essential for Your Property

A well-maintained property not only looks better overall, but it also increases in value and offers many advantages for the environment and your health. We'll discuss why hiring a professional landscaper is crucial for your property and how it can turn your outdoor area into a vibrant oasis you're happy to have as your own. As a property owner, you are responsible for the upkeep of your land. This includes ensuring that your landscaping is well-maintained and looks its best. A professional landscape care and maintenance service can help you achieve this goal and save you time and money in the long run.

5 benefits of hiring a professional landscape care service

  1. Improved curb appeal: First impressions matter; your home's curb appeal is often the first thing potential buyers or renters will see. A well-landscaped property will make a good impression and help increase your home's value.
  2. Enhanced security: Overgrown bushes and trees can provide hiding spots for burglars or criminals. Keeping your landscaping trimmed and tidy can deter would-be criminals and help keep your family safe.
  3. Reduced maintenance costs: Regular landscape maintenance can help extend the life of your landscaping features and prevent costly repairs down the road. Hiring a professional to handle your landscape care can save you money in the long run.
  4. Healthy plants: Properly cared for plants are healthier and better able to withstand pests and diseases. This means fewer sick plants and less money spent on replacements or treatments.
  5. Better air quality: Plants play an essential role in cleaning the air we breathe, so keeping them healthy is essential. Well-maintained landscapes with healthy plants can improve air quality and create 

Different Types of Professional Landscape Services

  1. Lawn care: This includes mowing, edging, fertilizing, and other essential lawn maintenance tasks.
  2. Landscape design: If you want to make changes to your property's layout or plantings, you'll need the help of a professional landscape designer.
  3. Hardscaping involves installing or repairing features like walkways, retaining walls, and fencing.
  4. Irrigation: An irrigation system can help keep your lawn and plants healthy by giving them the right amount of water.
  5. Pest control: Keeping pests like weeds, insects, and rodents under control is essential to landscape care. 

How to Choose the Right Landscaping Company

You must first confirm that the company is insured and bonded. This will safeguard you if any damage occurs during the service. Second, you should confirm that the company has experience with your required work. Request references and review their website to determine the quality of their work. Lastly, you should obtain an estimate from the company before employing them. This will help you budget for the endeavor and ensure you receive value for your investment.

Tips for Hiring a Professional Landscaper

  • Do your research. Once you have a few names, take the time to do some research on each one. Check their websites and read online reviews to understand their work and reputation.
  • Set up a consultation. Once you've narrowed down your choices, set up consultations with each of the landscapers you're considering. This will allow you to meet them and see their work firsthand.
  • Ask for references. Once you've met with the professionals, request for references from past clients. This will give you an idea of what it's like to work with them and whether they're reliable and professional.
  • Get everything in writing. Before hiring anyone, get all the details in writing, including what services will be provided and how much they will cost.


Landscape maintenance companies in Canberra can help in keeping your property looking its best. With the help of a professional landscaper, you can ensure that your lawn, trees, and shrubs are healthy and thriving. It will add to the value of your home or business and provide an attractive outdoor space for you to enjoy. Investing in regular landscape maintenance through a qualified landscaping company like ACT House & Landscaping Maintenance is worth every penny for all these reasons and more!

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